

  • Female student in purple tank top climbing the rock 墙.
  • 两个学生爬岩壁.
  • 男学生在爬岩壁.


The Student 娱乐中心 boasts a 35-foot rock 墙 with 2275 square feet of 攀岩区. The 墙 features numerous top ropes, five auto belays, 和 quickdraws 攀铅. Painted across the 墙 is a dotted black line that marks the bouldering 高度. We have a climber training area set up around the 墙. 这包括一个校园 board, peg board, weights, 和 climber-tailored pull up “bars.“攀岩很有趣,很有挑战性, 和 offers opportunities for exercise, camaraderie, 和 self-discovery. 我们的工作人员 members love climbing 和 want you to love it too! 我们提供所有安全装备,攀岩 shoes, 和 information that are needed for you to have a safe 和 enjoyable time on 我们的墙.  自带粉笔. Free beginner climbing orientations are available every day of the week to teach the novice climber proper knots 和 belay technique.

If you are interested in working at the rock 墙, please refer to our 户外探险类工作


请参阅我们的 营业时间. Hours are subject to change during breaks 和 holidays. 



The rock 墙 is free for all currently enrolled students 和 members of the Student 娱乐中心.

You may purchase a SRC membership if you are a faculty/staff, alumni, retiree, or affiliate of USA, or a spouse/dependent of those. 请参阅我们的 会员页面 了解更多信息.

我们不向公众开放. Current students 和 SRC members may bring guests; 请看我们当前的 客人的政策.


岩壁对6岁以上儿童开放. Children must be at least 6 years old to climb; 我们的登山鞋从儿童2号开始. 所有 members 和 guests who are between the ages of 6-15 are restricted to the facility 依赖于时间. The parent/guardian must be present at the 墙 when dependents age 6-15 are climbing.

每个人都需要签名 责任豁免 爬墙. 这项豁免有效期为一年. 父母或监护人必须签字 the 豁免 for members 和 guests under age 18. 


The rock 墙 is available to rent outside of its regular hours for your birthday 聚会或团体活动. Children's parties 和 events can accommodate 16 guests in the 墙 at a time; the ping-pong tables 和 Multipurpose Court are available for party guests in excess of 16 who are waiting to climb. 

派对持续两个小时. Cost is $225/party for current students 和 members of the SRC. Cost is $300/party for USA employees who are not members of the SRC. 组织 your party reservation, please complete the 校园康乐会租用表格.

You may arrive 30 minutes before your birthday party/event to set up. 所有食物都会 be served on the back deck or the Multipurpose Court; no food is allowed in the rock 墙. During inclement weather, we will provide tables indoors. 客人不得使用 any other area of the Student 娱乐中心. 你可以取消你的活动 48 hours of the start time for a full refund. 要取消,请发送电子邮件 src@ivantseng.comoutdooradventures@ivantseng.com. Cancellations made less than 48 hours before the event will not be refunded. 所有 children present must be at least 6 years old 和 have a 豁免 signed by a parent/guardian prior to the event start time. 

Student organizations 和 academic departments may also rent the rock 墙 和 are 不限于周末. 请填写 校园康乐设施租用表格

大学政策, to rent event space at the 十大彩票网投平台, Non-USA person(s) or group(s) must secure formal sponsorship from an active, recognized USA student organization or a USA academic or administrative department.