
Professional Development Workshop Schedule

The ILC offers a variety of workshops and seminars that address teaching 策略 以及教学技术. Our workshops typically take place in the ILC Multipurpose Room, located in the main building, unless otherwise noted. 工作坊也是 在我们的日程表上. 问题? 请电子邮件

HyFlex Series: What is the Difference Between HyFlex & 混合型| 9月周一 9 | 12:30pm - 1:00pm

HyFlex, 混合动力, Blended…What do these terms mean? 有什么区别?? 加入我们 for this quick online session that aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these learning models, empowering you to make informed decisions about your teaching 策略. 这节课是通过 变焦.

Watermark 教师 成功 | Monday, September 9 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Come join your colleagues and Dr. Eric Loomis, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences for a robust introduction to efficient and effective ways to document faculty achievements in this tool, used across campus for faculty evaluation. 所有教师 interested in applying for promotion and/or tenure in the near future are encouraged 参加.

你的画布流程是什么? 应用ing Module Design Templates | Tuesday, September 10 |下午2:30 - 3:30

Please join us for a workshop designed to identify how module templates support your 课程需要. You will get the opportunity to participate in a gallery walk of various module design templates that focus on multiple modalities of instruction. 这个车间 will provide you with up to date module templates to elevate your course design in Canvas.

AI Discussion Series: Alternatives to AI Detection | Thursday, September 19 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm

This is the second in a series of four discussions about navigating AI’s impact within 教育背景. For this session, we’ll discuss the limitations of current AI detection tools and explore alternative 策略 to foster academic integrity without relying solely on catching students cheating. This session will provide practical insights and solutions to help educators create a more supportive and ethical learning 环境. The discussion will be guided by the sixth chapter of Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning 安东尼奥·鲍文和C. 爱德华•沃森. This session is available in-person or via 变焦.
